Today I want to give a bit of insight into what resources I used in order to improve my knowledge and skill set for data analysis. Although I have many years of experience in software development and using Python, I felt like I was no longer in touch with the latest developments technology wise. Furthermore, …
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Adjusting Jupyter notebook Font Size
For screen presentations, I found the original font-size to be too small. Therefore, adjusting the font size permanently would be nice to have. You can do so by adding a custom Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) to your Jupyter configuration directory (usually in $HOME/.jupyter/). First you add a subdirectory called “custom” to your Jupyter configuration directory …
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Going for Python 3.8 with Conda
In order to migrate to the latest Python release before the Anaconda Download packages haven been upgraded to it (in my case Python 3.8), I had to first upgrade my Conda installation: And then create a new Python 3.8 environment: Unfortunately, a couple of packages are not yet there, so installing the full Anaconda package …
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Globals are not global in Python
Well, the title already says it. Globals are module wide, not global global…. This means, that if you do The global would not change. This is because the global keyword only makes variables accessible to the module level – not beyond. So if you instead of importing the module execute the file, it will run …
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Running a Jupyter Notebook remotely in single line
In order to run a Jupyter Notebook on a remote server (here: SERVER), one usually first opens a shell, logs in on the remote server, starts the jupyter notebook server. Then usually you open a new shell, and forward a local port using ssh. And finally you open the notebook webpage in your browser (here: Firefox). …
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Eclipse/Texlipse: bibtex file in different directory
I recently ran into the problem that I have a common library where i store all my Bibtex references, but Eclipse/Texlipse refused to find it, although I linked the library file from within the project folder. The solution is rather simple, as it just requires setting the BIBINPUTS evironment variable, so Bibtex can find the …
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Eclipse/Subversive: DH keypair issues
I recently had the issue that one of the SVN servers that I regularly use refused to connect anymore. In the command line, everything wored as intended, but using Subversive within Eclipse did not work. I got a popup window, containing the following information: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not generate DH keypair The problem was, that the …
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Python autocompletion in VIM
Having autocompletion (and some other nice stuff) for Python in VIM is not only a nice feature, but something allowing you to be more efficient when programming Python. First see the result: Youtube: To make the functionality (and color scheme) available, download the tarball (pythonVim.tar.gz) and extract it in your home directory (i.e. /home/your_user_name), …
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Linux: use SSH with X11 forwarding and compression for better performance
To get better performance when using X11 forwarding (either with the -X or -Y option) with a SSH connection, one should enable data compression: $ ssh -X -C -c blowfish-cbc,arcfour to avoid enabling compression with each command, one could enable it permanently in the configuration file ($HOME/.ssh/config): Cipher blowfish Ciphers blowfish-cbc,aes128-cbc,3des-cbc,cast128-cbc,arcfour,aes192-cbc,aes256-cbc Compression yes …
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Let VIM open file at last editing position
Simply put the following lines to your ~/.vimrc and all files will be opend at the last editing position. Saves a lot of searching time. 😉 if has(“autocmd”) au BufReadPost * if line(“‘\””) > 1 && line(“‘\””) <= line(“$”) | exe “normal! g’\”” | endif endif